“[Suzi] Gablik speaks of the previous paradigm of the Enlightenment period and what it has meant to artists: ‘Individualism, freedom and self-expression are the great modernist buzz words.’ The notion that art could serve collective cultural needs rather than a personal quest for self-expression seems almost ‘presumptuous’ in that worldview. Yet this assumption lies at the base of a paradigm shift in art, a shift ‘from objects to relationships.’ Gablik challenges her coworkers not to settle for abstract theorizing in making this paradigm shift. She personalizes and therefore grounds the transformations that must be undergone when she insists that ‘the way to prepare the ground for a new paradigm shift is to make changes in one’s own life.’ Spirituality is about praxis, she is saying, not just theory.”
Matthew Fox, The Reinvention of Work

I am not on the preferred patron’s mailing list of any major NY galleries.
I am not important to anyone I know of inside the beltway in D.C.
I am not your sister’s favorite secret lover.
I am not a thirty something millionaire defense contractor careening through jammed traffic in a red Italian sports car in Houston.
I am not a power Mensa video gamer in camouflaged shorts with expensive weed in my thigh pocket.
I am not one of Kalle Lassen’s lunch buddies.
I am not readily confused with Asian Republican golf pros in crisp green Lacoste shirts.
I am not the owner of a Bombardier, Gulfstream or Hawker.
I am not an MIT custodian skulking around late night lab halls.
I am not omniscient or wildly intuitive on most Mondays or Fridays.
I am not Laurie Anderson’s current boyfriend.
I am not a fan of most daytime TV game show contestant’s snack habits.
I am not a licensed massage therapist in fitted pastel spandex.
I am not a pet Red Tail hawk raging loose in a rich kid’s tree house.
I am not Dick Chaney’s confessor (and God help the woman who is).
I am not (nor ever was) an extra for the making of any of the Planet of the Apes films.
I am not Peter Bogdonovich’s primary psychoanalyst.
I am not Woody Allen’s mother’s scapegoat bridge partner.
I am not a first line victim of state sponsored European pharmaceutical industrial espionage.
I am not as bold as I was when I had longer and fuller and better hair.
I am not a talented speller like my father.
I am not a top notch political strategist/ painter/ art star living in the Hamptons with illegal house servants bringing me exotic breakfasts in bed.


the Choreographer Works Too
1996 Polaroid from the film, "Giovanna d'Arco al Rogo" a.k.a. Joan of Ark (Ingrid Bergman)
glue, oils, varnish and latex on found book
(private collection)

She was lighter
Polaroid from Firewalk With Me 1992 Dir. David Lynch, glue, oils, varnish and latex on found book (collection the artist)

from The Last Days
Michael Pitt, Dir. Gus van Sant

oil on canvas 36 x 48 inches
everytime i think of johnny winters
i think of robert rauschenburg
then i think of texas

another endgame office party candidate

the chosen ones

the last pope

all the things she told me I forgot

strong enough

buck cloud
found book page with ink and watercolor
approx 5.5" x 9"

the task at hand
found book page with ink and watercolor
aaprox 5.5"x 9"
if i was richard

travel tips

blue morph jam

VIP Admit 4

polofest 2008

don quixote hovers somewhere over oklahoma in heaven and in my dreams singing old eagles tunes

the big apple gallery billboards and pork and beans

A dream poem for Pace, Castelli, Mary Boone, PPOW, Robert Miller, Marlborough, Lehmann Maupin, I-29, Zwimer and Worth, Baltic, Rose Gallery, Orvi-Mora London, Richard Levy…and loads of others...

julian schnabel had me for lunch

road signs
i dreamed i lived in a community where we all loved one another and i was happy to be alive
(i had to climb up a ladder on ivy to get to street level but it was pretty easy)

a cryptic visual poem for the formidable mary boone

if i was (married to) mary boone

if i was lucian freud

if i was joseph cornell

if i was francesco clemente

if i was cy twombly

if i was bruce nauman

if i was gerhard richter

Art that Matters

I could have ventured high
to paint huge pictures
hand ground Dutch oils
and rare sables
Revealing the world on Belgian Linen
I could have been the toast of luminaries
Social giants whisked to and fro
Under impenetrable black glass and lacquer
Bulletproof invisible and always on the move
Descending upon parties here and there
Celebrating their blue chip acquisitions
works I might not remember making
But there would be ample medication
For those mornings
When dark thoughts intruded
And I would wear hand cut black French suits and shirts
To paint in
And drink in
A flick of titanium on the lapel
Like Basquiat or Baselitz
Careening beyond self
Catastrophic, Sexy
Ambiguous and grave
Like priests and assassins

I could have ventured high
To make a mark
To sound the alarm
(the Corporates have stolen the planet)
Without trimming habits
To scream out from rooftops
and garden parties
svelte glamored strangers
leering and gleaming
On the designer plank
Of my 5th Avenue coop
Perched above Manhattan
dark sequined gargoyles
only the privileged were guested
And I’d drink with Anselm in his palace factory
In Southern France
rare Absinthe and Thai Smoke
And we’d surely slur congratulations
And turn celebrities from the gatehouse
To hold up together
Supreme and isolate

And with eventual contrition
I'd telephone Ms. Gablik sobbing
begging her prayers and guidance
And email Roshi Joan
to beg hers too
That it might not be too late
For me
To make art that matters